Finding Hidden Biz Bottlenecks with a Marketing Audit

Are Your Business Workflows a Mess? Time for a Free Marketing Audit

September 27, 20244 min read

We give away free marketing audits like candy here at SERTBO. 

We love the "aha!" moment when businesses realize our audit uncovers hidden opportunities far beyond marketing – it's a blueprint for overall growth.

Specifically, our online marketing audit can also help you diagnose those pesky workflow bottlenecks that are slowing you down and costing you money. 

How Does a Free Marketing Audit Reveal These Bottlenecks?

One of the biggest misconceptions about an online marketing audit is that it's exclusively about marketing. It's not.

Your marketing efforts are the sum of your internal workflows. So any issues with your marketing are directly connected to your general processes. Here are some examples:

1. Slow response times to customer inquiries

Imagine you run an online store, and you're using Facebook ads to get people to your website. Customers click on the ads, but then... crickets. They submit a question or inquiry, and never hear back. That's a major red flag.

Your audit might uncover that emails from your website aren't reaching the right person, or worse, aren't being sent at all. This not only frustrates potential customers and costs you sales, it points to a workflow issue. Maybe your team isn't clear on who handles those inquiries, or your customer management system isn't set up correctly.

A marketing audit will pinpoint exactly where these communication breakdowns are happening.

2. Content Chaos

Are you constantly creating blog posts, social media updates, or newsletters, but always feeling behind? Does your team struggle to keep up with the content demands?

An audit often reveals a lack of a clear content creation process. Maybe tasks like writing, editing, and publishing are all stuck with one person. Or perhaps no one's quite sure who's responsible for what.

For instance, if blog posts are delayed because no one knows who's supposed to actually post them, that's a classic bottleneck. A marketing audit can show you where tasks are piling up, so you can spread the workload and get things moving again.

3. Disconnected Tools & Systems

Most businesses use a bunch of different platforms to keep things running - email marketing software, project management tools, website analytics, etc. 

If these systems aren't connected or sharing information properly, your team might end up duplicating work or missing important steps.

Let's say you're running an email campaign, but your analytics tool isn't talking to your sales software. Your sales team has no idea which leads clicked on the email or visited your website, so they miss out on following up with potential customers.

An audit can highlight these disconnects, so you can integrate your tools and create a smoother workflow where everyone has access to the same information.

4. Manual Tasks That Could Be Automated

Another common issue an audit uncovers is relying too much on manual tasks that could easily be automated. 

If you're manually updating your email list or entering customer data into a spreadsheet every week, you're wasting precious time.

An audit can show you where automation could be a lifesaver. Think:

  • Automatically sending welcome emails to new subscribers

  • Syncing sales leads directly from your website to your CRM

  • Scheduling social media posts in advance

Automation not only saves time, it also reduces the risk of human error, freeing up your team to focus on tasks that actually require their brainpower.

5. Confusing Customer Journeys

Lastly, a marketing audit can reveal bottlenecks in your customer's experience. If people visit your website but leave without buying anything, there might be a problem with your sales funnel.

Maybe the checkout process is too complicated, or maybe they're not getting the right information at the right time.

For example, if your audit shows that people are abandoning their shopping carts during checkout, it's time to simplify that process. 

If leads drop off after visiting your site but don't book a consultation, maybe there's a missing follow-up email or a broken link. These are the kinds of specific, actionable insights an audit can provide.

Get Your Free Marketing Audit

Step 1 to identify those bottlenecks: allow us to conduct an online marketing audit for you. And yes, it's totally FREE.

To get started, drop us a line to book your free consultation. We'll be with you shortly to confirm your schedule. Looking forward to our chat!


Not sure what an online marketing audit is and why you need one?

Check out these 6 Serious Signs It's Time for an Online Marketing Audit( MUST-READ!)

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