How to Decide If It's Time for a New Marketing Audit

Is It Time for an Online Marketing Audit? These 6 Signs Say "Yes"

August 29, 20243 min read

Digital marketing is a wild ride—strategies that worked yesterday might not cut it today. So how do you know when it’s time to pause, take a breath, and give your online marketing a thorough check-up? 

Here are some crystal-clear signs that it’s time to dig deep with an audit—and what you can do about it.

1. Your Key Pages Are Seeing Less Action

If you’ve noticed a significant drop in visits to crucial pages, such as your "Free Trial" or "Contact Us" pages, it’s a sign that something might be wrong. 

For instance, if Google Analytics reveals that traffic to your "Pricing" page has dropped by 30% over the past few months, this could indicate issues like outdated content, technical problems, or shifts in user behavior.

Instead of guessing, it’s time to dive into your analytics via an audit, see where users are dropping off, and figure out how to fix it.

2. Mobile Users Are Bouncing Like Crazy

A soaring mobile bounce rate—say, it’s climbed to 70%—should raise immediate concerns. 

While your desktop site might be in top shape, your mobile version might not be as user-friendly as you think. 

Think slow load times, tricky navigation, or images that don’t scale right. An online marketing audit can help you pinpoint which is which.

3. Your SEO Rankings Are Slipping—Despite Your Best Efforts

You’ve been working hard on your SEO—updating content, targeting those golden keywords—but your search rankings are still tanking. 

For example, where you once ranked on the first page for "affordable SEO services," you now find yourself buried on page three. That’s frustrating. It might be time to re-evaluate your strategy, and an audit is the smartest place to start.

4. Your Social Media Feels Like a Deserted Island

You’ve got a solid following on Instagram, but your posts are getting tumbleweeds—barely any likes, comments, or shares. What gives? 

It could be that your content isn’t hitting home with your audience anymore, or maybe you’re posting when nobody’s around to see it. Time to shake things up! 

An audit can help you decide whether to try new content formats, experiment with different posting times, and check your analytics to see what your followers actually want to see.

5. Ad Costs Are Up, But Conversions Aren’t Budging

Let’s say your cost-per-click (CPC) for Google Ads has climbed from $1.50 to $2.50, yet your conversion rate hasn’t budged from 2%. This suggests that your ad spend isn’t as effective as it could be.

Throwing more money at the problem isn’t the answer. Instead, take a closer look at your ad strategy with an online marketing audit. 

Are you targeting the right audience? Is your ad copy resonating? Are your landing pages doing their job? It's easier to get answers when you have solid data.

6. Email Open Rates Are Taking a Nosedive

Your B2B email campaigns used to be gold, but now your open rates have dropped from 25% to a disappointing 15%. What happened? 

Maybe your subject lines aren’t grabbing attention, or your content isn’t hitting the mark. 

To turn things around, you could start by refreshing your email content, testing new subject lines, and making sure your emails aren’t getting flagged as spam– and a fresh audit can help you decide where to invest your resources first.

Request a Marketing Audit Today

Recognizing these signs early can save you time, money, and frustration down the road. Whether it’s declining traffic, inconsistent branding, or rising ad costs, addressing these issues with a detailed audit will put you back on the path to success.

Get your FREE marketing audit here at SERTBO!

To get started, drop us a line to book your free consultation. We'll be with you shortly to confirm your schedule. Looking forward to our chat!

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