The Why & How of Automating Copywriting for Your Business

How to Write Amazing Copy for Your Business (Without Doing It Yourself)

September 23, 20244 min read

At SERTBO, we hear this all the time:

"How can I keep my content consistent without spending so much time on it?"

Social media posts, newsletters, product description, etc – managing all this copy can quickly eat up hours of your week. 

That’s where automation comes in. By automating the repetitive aspects of copywriting, we help businesses like yours stay ahead of the game, maintain quality, and free up valuable time—without you having to write a word on your own.

Let’s explore how this can work for you.

Why Should You Automate Your Copywriting?

By automating your copywriting, you don’t have to sit down and write every single post or email manually. Automation ensures your content is ready to go at the right times, without the constant pressure to create something on the spot.

Here’s what automation can do for you:

  • Consistency Without Effort: Automate your copywriting, and you’ll never have to worry about skipping a post or forgetting an email campaign. Everything can be scheduled and ready to go, even during your busiest weeks.

  • Free Up Your Time: Instead of spending hours writing, you can focus on running your business and doing what you love.

  • Maintain Quality: With the right setup, automation ensures your content is tailored to your audience and reflects your brand's voice—without sacrificing quality.

What Parts of Copywriting Can You Automate?

Automation doesn’t mean losing the personal touch or having robots take over. Instead, it’s about streamlining tasks that take up too much of your time. Here are some areas where automation can make a big impact:

1. Social Media Posts

Writing social media posts daily can become a major time drain, especially when you’re posting across multiple platforms. With automation, you can schedule weeks’ worth of posts in one go. You’ll still have full control over the messaging and tone, but the heavy lifting is done upfront.


Let’s say you run a pet grooming business. You want to share tips, promotions, and customer photos on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter). By using automation tools, you can plan out a whole month’s worth of content in just a few hours. The posts will go live at the optimal times, and you won’t have to think about it again until next month.

2. Email Campaigns

Automated email campaigns allow you to stay in touch with customers without needing to manually send every message. Whether it’s a welcome email for new customers or a promotional offer for loyal ones, automation ensures your emails reach the right people at the right time.


Imagine you run a small fitness studio. When someone signs up for a class, they automatically receive a welcome email with details about their first session. After a week, they receive a follow-up email with tips on how to stay motivated. You set this all up once, and the emails are sent automatically—no manual input required.

3. Product Descriptions

If your business involves selling products online, updating product descriptions can take up a surprising amount of time. Automation tools can help generate descriptions for new products, or even update existing ones based on current trends or customer feedback.


You run a handmade soap shop and have just released a new line of organic products. Instead of writing each description from scratch, you use an automation tool to generate initial drafts. You then review and tweak them to match your brand’s tone, cutting your writing time in half.

4. Routine Customer Messages

Do you often find yourself answering the same questions over and over? Automation can handle the basics—like responding to common inquiries about business hours or product availability—while leaving more complex questions to you.


If you run a restaurant, you probably get frequent questions about opening hours, the menu, or reservations. Automating these responses through a chatbot or FAQ page ensures customers get instant answers without you needing to respond manually each time.

A Quick Look at the SERTBO Automation Process

When you partner with us, we'll make it as easy and pleasant as possible to start using automation for your business. In case of copywriting, here's how our initial steps usually go:

  1. Identify the Repetitive Tasks: We start by helping you identify what tasks take up the most time. This might be writing social media posts, product descriptions, or sending out regular emails.

  2. Set Up Your System: After this, we create a custom copywriting automation workflow for you. Whether that’s drafting posts for the month or creating a series of email templates, we get everything lined up so it runs smoothly without constant oversight.

  3. Review and Adjust: Automation doesn’t mean “set it and forget it.” We will help you regularly check your content to make sure it stays fresh and reflects your brand’s voice.

Automate Your Business with SERTBO - Contact Us Today!

With SERTBO, you don’t have to handle this automation alone. We set everything up for you—from scheduling posts to generating reports and optimizing the workflows. 

Our team ensures your copy runs smoothly, looks professional, and most importantly, stays aligned with your brand’s voice.

To get started, drop us a line to book your free consultation. We'll be with you shortly to confirm your schedule. Looking forward to our chat!

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