5 Secrets an Online Marketing Audit Can Uncover | SERTBO

5 Critical Insights From Online Marketing Audit

June 21, 20245 min read

An online marketing audit is like a health checkup for your strategy. It looks at everything you're doing online to see what's working well, what could be better, and how to reach more customers. 

At SERTBO, we've seen firsthand the transformative power of these audits. Time and again, the insights uncovered during our free audits have given our clients the push they needed to examine their approach and make game-changing optimizations critically.

In this post, we'll explore 5 key things a thorough audit like ours can reveal about your business. No confusing jargon, no fluff - just practical insights you can use to refine your marketing and get better results. Let's jump in!

1. How Well Your Website Converts Visitors into Customers

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. 

A digital marketing audit like the one we offer will look closely at your site's user experience, layout, content, and calls-to-action to see how effective it is at guiding visitors toward a purchase or inquiry.

This could point to issues like:

  • Product pages lacking detailed descriptions or high-quality images

  • A complicated or buggy checkout process

  • Not enough trust signals like customer reviews or security badges

  • Hidden shipping costs that deter shoppers at the last minute

By identifying these conversion roadblocks, you can make targeted improvements to turn more browsers into buyers. 

2. The Quality and Quantity of Your Website Traffic

Not all website traffic is created equal. An audit will look at where your visitors are coming from, how they're finding you, and what they do once they land on your site.

Let's say you're a local plumber and you're getting a good amount of organic traffic. That's great! 

But an audit might show that the majority of those visitors are landing on a blog post you wrote 3 years ago about a very niche plumbing issue. Meanwhile, your main service pages targeting your core offerings are barely getting any love from Google.

This insight would tell you that while you're ranking well for some keywords, they might not be the right ones to bring in qualified leads. You could use this intel from your free audit to optimize your service pages, build more relevant blog content, and refocus your SEO strategy around the search terms your ideal customers are using.

3. Which Social Media Channels Are Delivering Results

In the world of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to be everywhere at once. But an audit will help you zero in on the platforms that are actually moving the needle for your business.

Let's say you're a fashion boutique owner, and you're pouring hours into posts for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. 

An audit shows that while you have a decent following on each platform, the vast majority of your social media referral traffic and sales are coming from Instagram. Moreover, the content that's resonating most is your behind-the-scenes stories and outfit inspiration posts.

Armed with this knowledge from your free audit, you might decide to double down on Instagram, creating more of the content your audience craves while scaling back on the other platforms. 

This way, you can focus your time and resources where they'll have the biggest impact.

4. What Your Competitors Are Doing Right (and Wrong)

No digital marketing audit is complete without a bit of competitive analysis. Studying your rivals' online presence can yield valuable insights into what's working in your industry and where there might be gaps you can fill.

Some things an audit might look at:

  • Which keywords your competitors are ranking for

  • What kind of content they're creating and how often

  • The size and engagement of their social media following

  • Any notable tactics or strategies they seem to be employing

This insight could prompt you to up your own content game, creating resources that are even more comprehensive and valuable to your target audience. 

You might also spot opportunities they've missed, like a lack of video content or a neglected social media channel, and use those to your advantage. 

These are the kinds of strategic recommendations we provide based on the competitive analysis in our free audits.

5. Where You Can Get the Biggest Impact for Your Effort

Perhaps the most valuable thing a digital marketing audit can tell you is where to focus your energy for maximum ROI. By identifying your biggest opportunities and pain points, you can create a prioritized action plan that addresses the low-hanging fruit first.

For example, let's say you're a wellness coach and an audit reveals the following:

  • Your website has a high bounce rate and low conversion rate

  • Your email open rates are strong but click-through rates are poor

  • You're getting a lot of positive engagement on Instagram but not much website traffic from it

  • Keyword research shows high demand and low competition for topics related to your niche

Based on these findings from your free audit, your top priorities might be:

  • Revamping your website to improve user experience and drive conversions

  • Refining your email content to encourage more click-throughs

  • Adding clearer calls-to-action on Instagram to funnel traffic to your site

  • Creating targeted blog content around the high-opportunity keywords

By tackling these areas first, you can start seeing results faster while setting yourself up for long-term success. 

Book Your Free Online Marketing Audit Today

The best part? You can get all these valuable insights for free with our digital marketing audit at SERTBO. Our team of experts will leave no stone unturned in analyzing your online assets and identifying your best growth levers.

Think about it - what could you do with the knowledge of exactly where your website is leaking visitors, which email campaigns are falling flat, or how you stack up against your top competitors? How much more effective could your marketing be if you knew precisely which tactics deliver the best ROI?

That's the power of a thorough audit, and it's yours for the taking. We're so confident in the value of our audit that we're offering it completely free, no strings attached.

To get started, drop us a line to book your free marketing audit. We'll be with you shortly to confirm your schedule. Looking forward to our chat!

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